ISSN: 2173-5727

Medicina Intensiva is the journal of the Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC), and has become the reference publication in Spanish in its field. Medicina Intensiva mainly publishes Original Articles, Reviews, Clinical Notes, Images in Intensive Medicine, and Information relevant to the specialty. All works go through a rigorous selection process.

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Articles in press

Articles in press are accepted, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI. More info

High flow in tracheostomized patients on their first attempt to wean from mechanical ventilation: more questions on the table
Adrián Gallardo, Aldana Silvero, Santiago Saavedra
Available online 16 September 2024
How to involve the patient and family in improving safety in intensive medicine services (SMI)?
Olga Rubio Sanchiz, Joan Escarrabill, Joan Fernando Peidró, Anne Sophie Gresle
Available online 16 September 2024
Relationship between fluid overload and mortality and morbidity in pediatric intensive care unit
Hilmi Bayirli, Nazan Ulgen Tekerek, Alper Koker, Oguz Dursun
Available online 16 September 2024
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Current Issue
Vol. 48. Issue 9.
Pages 501-562 (September 2024)
Sumario en español
Original articles
Comparing lung aeration and respiratory effort using two different spontaneous breathing trial: T-piece vs pressure support ventilation
Raquel Bosch-Compte, Francisco José Parrilla, Rosana Muñoz-Bermúdez, Irene Dot, Cristina Climent, Joan Ramon Masclans, Judith Marin-Corral, Purificación Pérez-Terán
Med Intensiva. 2024;48:501-10
Can end-tidal CO2 measurement replace arterial partial CO2 in emergency department respiratory distress management?
Kudret Selki, Mehmet Cihat Demir, Erdinç Şengüldür, Emre Erdem, Hatice Güldal, Murat Taşdemir, Alp Kaan Furkan Kıcıroğlu, Mustafa Boğan
Med Intensiva. 2024;48:511-9
High-flow nasal cannula in Spanish Pediatric Intensive Care Services: A national web survey about its use and indications
Alberto García-Salido, Vicente Modesto I Alapont, Alberto Medina-Villanueva
Med Intensiva. 2024;48:520-7
Update in intensive care medicine: ultrasound in the critically ill patient. Clinical applications
Right ventricular dysfunction in the critically ill. Echocardiographic evaluation
Virginia Fraile-Gutiérrez, Lluis Zapata-Fenor, Aaron Blandino-Ortiz, Manuel Guerrero-Mier, Ana Ochagavia-Calvo
Med Intensiva. 2024;48:528-42
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Free access article
Original article
Impact of high-flow oxygen therapy via high velocity nasal insufflation on diaphragmatic thickening fraction in healthy subjects
Gustavo Adrián Plotnikow, Facundo José Federico Bianchini, Roque Moracci, Jaime Andrés Santana Mackinlay, Federico Melgarejo, Malena Paula Loustau, Valeria Silvina Acevedo, Emanuel Di Salvo, Facundo Javier Gutierrez, Matias Madorno, Javier Mariani
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Publish in Medicina Intensiva (English Edition)
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Original article
Guillermo Jesús Mauro, Gustavo Armando, Lorena Natalia Cabillón, Santiago Tomás Benitez, Sabrina Mogliani, Amanda Roldan, Marisol Vilca, Ricardo Rollie, Gustavo Martins
Med Intensiva. 2024;48:14-22
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Maniobra de prono en paciente con ECMO
Maniobra de prono en paciente con ECMO
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Medicina Intensiva (English Edition)
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