Información de la revista
COVID-19 Pandemic: the greatest challenge in the history of critical care
R. Ferrer
Med Intensiva. 2020;44:323-4
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Original articles
Evaluation of quality of care in trauma patients using international scoring systems
J. Sainz Cabrejas, C. García Fuentes, C. García Juarranz, A.M. González López, L. Maure Blesa, J.C. Montejo González, M. Chico Fernández
Med Intensiva. 2020;44:325-32
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Have there been changes in the application of mechanical ventilation in relation to scientific evidence? A multicenter observational study in Mexico
M.C. Marín, J. Elizalde, A. Villagómez, U. Cerón, M. Poblano, I. Palma-Lara, J.R. Sánchez, E. Monares, ... A. Esteban
Med Intensiva. 2020;44:333-43
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Psychometric evaluation of the Freedman questionnaire to assess sleep in critical patients
M.D. Bernat Adell, E. Bisbal Andrés, L. Galarza Barrachina, G. Cebrián Graullera, G. Pages Aznar, A. Melgarejo Urendez, M.A. Morán Marmaneu, A. Monfort Lázaro, M.D. Ferrandiz Selles
Med Intensiva. 2020;44:344-50
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Review article
Intensive care during the 2019-coronavirus epidemic
A. González-Castro, P. Escudero-Acha, Y. Peñasco, O. Leizaola, V. Martínez de Pinillos Sánchez, A. García de Lorenzo
Med Intensiva. 2020;44:351-62
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Special articles
Contingency plan for the intensive care services for the COVID-19 pandemic
P. Rascado Sedes, M.A. Ballesteros Sanz, M.A. Bodí Saera, L.F. Carrasco Rodríguez-Rey, A. Castellanos Ortega, M. Catalán González, C. de Haro López, E. Díaz Santos, ... y Junta directiva de la SEEIUC
Med Intensiva. 2020;44:363-70
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Recommendations of the Working Groups from the Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC) for the management of adult critically ill patients in the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
M.Á. Ballesteros Sanz, A. Hernández-Tejedor, Á. Estella, J.J. Jiménez Rivera, F.J. González de Molina Ortiz, A. Sandiumenge Camps, P. Vidal Cortés, C. de Haro, ... Working Groups from the Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC)
Med Intensiva. 2020;44:371-88
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Scientific letters
Clinical simulation in the polytraumatized patient. Application in medical students
M.A. Ballesteros, M. Feo González, B. Suberviola, E. Miñambres
Med Intensiva. 2020;44:389-91
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Letters to the editor
Management of accidental hypothermia: A narrative review
T.M. Ferrer Marrero
Med Intensiva. 2020;44:392
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In reply to “Management of accidental hypothermia: Narrative review”
M.L. Avellanas Chavala, M. Ayala Gallardo, I. Soteras Martínez, E. Subirats Bayego
Med Intensiva. 2020;44:393
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Images in intensive medicine
Post-intubation tracheal laceration. Over-insufflation of the cuff as risk factor
F.P. Delgado Moya, M. Valiente Fernández, A. Lesmes González de Aledo
Med Intensiva. 2020;44:394-5
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