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Articles in press

Articles in press are accepted, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI. More info

High flow in tracheostomized patients on their first attempt to wean from mechanical ventilation: more questions on the table
Adrián Gallardo, Aldana Silvero, Santiago Saavedra
Available online 16 September 2024
How to involve the patient and family in improving safety in intensive medicine services (SMI)?
Olga Rubio Sanchiz, Joan Escarrabill, Joan Fernando Peidró, Anne Sophie Gresle
Available online 16 September 2024
Relationship between fluid overload and mortality and morbidity in pediatric intensive care unit
Hilmi Bayirli, Nazan Ulgen Tekerek, Alper Koker, Oguz Dursun
Available online 16 September 2024
A shattered heart: Discovery of two lethal mechanical complications
Alberto Garrido Callén, Irene Fernández Muñoz, Marta Martín Muñoz
Available online 2 September 2024
Incorporating the perspective of the critically ill patient: A matter of fashion or necessity?
Olga Rubio Sanchiz, Joan Escarrabill
Available online 2 September 2024
Application of a machine learning model for early prediction of in-hospital cardiac arrests: Retrospective observational cohort study
L. Socias Crespí, L. Gutiérrez Madroñal, M. Fiorella Sarubbo, M. Borges-Sa, A. Serrano García, D. López Ramos, C. Pruenza Garcia-Hinojosa, E. Martin Garijo
Available online 30 August 2024
Removal of giant bronchial clot with cryoadhesion probe
Mónica García Simón, Cristina Sanchís Piqueras, Georgia García Fernández
Available online 21 August 2024
Analysis of medication errors in Neonatal Intensive Care: A systematic review
Francisco Miguel Escandell-Rico, Lucia Pérez-Fernández
Available online 19 August 2024
Hemodynamic monitoring and echocardiographic evaluation in cardiogenic shock
Ana Ochagavía, Nora Palomo-López, Virginia Fraile, Luis Zapata
Available online 5 August 2024
Outcomes of an extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) program for in- and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in a tertiary hospital in Spain
María Martínez-Martínez, María Vidal-Burdeus, Jordi Riera, Aitor Uribarri, Elisabet Gallart, Laia Milà, Pau Torrella, Irene Buera, ... Eduard Argudo
Available online 5 August 2024
Medicina Intensiva (English Edition)
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