Journal Information
Respiratory failure and respiratory support
Edited by Rosario Amaya Villar - Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocio, Sevilla, España
Respiratory failure remains a constant challenge in the management of critically ill patients, with clinical implications ranging from optimizing oxygen therapy to personalizing mechanical ventilation. This special issue of Medicina Intensiva addresses the most relevant and current aspects of respiratory support, highlighting both scientific advances and opportunities for improvement in the routine clinical practice.
The selected articles delve into topics such as the comparison between conservative and liberal oxygen therapies, the implementation of protocols for adjusting PEEP in ARDS patients, and the impact of prone positioning on lung function. Additionally, new diagnostic tools, such as the P/FPE index, and innovative methods for evaluating mechanical respiratory energy using Bayesian factor analysis are examined.
Practical issues are also explored, including patient-ventilator synchronization and the individualization of ventilatory support in patients with obstructive conditions or COVID-19-related diseases. Complementing this issue are perspectives on strategies to optimize the management of acute respiratory failure and scientific letters exploring specific approaches, such as the Macklin effect or the hemodynamic impact of moderate ARDS.
We hope this special issue serves as a valuable resource for health professionals, fostering ongoing progress in respiratory care and encouraging new research that benefits the most vulnerable patients.
The selected articles delve into topics such as the comparison between conservative and liberal oxygen therapies, the implementation of protocols for adjusting PEEP in ARDS patients, and the impact of prone positioning on lung function. Additionally, new diagnostic tools, such as the P/FPE index, and innovative methods for evaluating mechanical respiratory energy using Bayesian factor analysis are examined.
Practical issues are also explored, including patient-ventilator synchronization and the individualization of ventilatory support in patients with obstructive conditions or COVID-19-related diseases. Complementing this issue are perspectives on strategies to optimize the management of acute respiratory failure and scientific letters exploring specific approaches, such as the Macklin effect or the hemodynamic impact of moderate ARDS.
We hope this special issue serves as a valuable resource for health professionals, fostering ongoing progress in respiratory care and encouraging new research that benefits the most vulnerable patients.
Conservative versus liberal oxygen therapy in relation to all-cause mortality among patients in the intensive care unit: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis
X. Li, D. Liu, C. Liu, Z. Mao, Y. Liu, H. Yi, F. Zhou
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:73-83
Open Article
Airways management in SARS-COV-2 acute respiratory failure: A prospective observational multi-center study
L. Cattin, F. Ferrari, S. Mongodi, E. Pariani, G. Bettini, F. Daverio, K. Donadello, E. Polati, ... S. De Rosa
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:131-9

Open Article
Impacts of a fraction of inspired oxygen adjustment protocol in COVID-19 patients under mechanical ventilation: A prospective cohort study
E.P. Gomes, M.M. Reboredo, G.B. Costa, F.S. Barros, E.V. Carvalho, B.V. Pinheiro
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:212-20
Open Article
Prognostic value of the novel P/FPE index to classify ARDS severity: A cohort study
F.D. Martos-Benítez, R. Estévez-Muguercia, V. Orama-Requejo, T. del Toro-Simoni
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:373-82
Open Article
PEEP titration by EIT strategies for patients with ARDS: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Mengnan Yu, Yanjun Deng, Jun Cha, Lingyan Jiang, Mingdeng Wang, Shigang Qiao, Chen Wang
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:383-90
Open Article
Adherence to protective mechanical ventilation in COVID-19 versus non-COVID-19-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome: Comparison between two prospective cohorts
E.V. Carvalho, S.P.S. Pinto, E.P. Gomes, Ó. Peñuelas, C.G. Stohler, G.C. Arantes, L.L. Carvalho, R.M.F. Oliveira, ... B.V. Pinheiro
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:445-53
Open Article
Effect of the duration of prone position in ARDS patients during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Eva de Miguel-Balsa, Teresa Blasco-Ruso, Norma Gómez-Medrano, María Mirabet-Guijarro, Alba Martínez-Pérez, Adoración Alcalá-López
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:575-82

Open Article
The Bayes factor in the analysis of mechanical power in patients with severe respiratory failure due to SARS-CoV-2
Alejandro González-Castro, Vicent Modesto i Alapont, Elena Cuenca Fito, Yhivian Peñasco, Patricia Escudero Acha, Carmen Huertas Martín, Juan Carlos Rodríguez Borregán
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:621-8
Open Article
Association between diastolic dysfunction and fluid balance in critically ill patients during weaning from mechanical ventilation
Luis Zapata, Juan Carlos Suarez-Montero, Paula Andrea López-Garzón
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:708-16
Open Article
Reverse triggering during mechanical ventilation: Diagnosis and clinical implications
Juan M. Núñez Silveira, Adrián Gallardo, Patricio García-Valdés, Fernando Ríos, Pablo O. Rodriguez, L. Felipe Damiani
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:648-57
Open Article
Personalization of ventilatory support in obstructive patients; intrinsic PEEP also matters
A. Abella, F. Gordo
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:108-9
Open Article
Prone position improves ventilation-perfusion mismatch in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome
M.C. Bachmann, R. Basoalto, O. Díaz, A. Bruhn, G. Bugedo, J. Retamal
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:175-8
Open Article
Macklin effect as an early radiological predictor of barotrauma in ARDS COVID-19 patients in invasive mechanical ventilation
F.J. Casadiego Monachello, M.C. de la Torre Terron, J.A. Mendez Barraza, S. Casals Vila
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:235-6
Open Article
Low hemodynamic impact of moderate ARDS caused by SARS-CoV2
Ana-Maria Ioan, Oscar Gonzalez-Lorenzo, Andrea Kallmeyer Mayor, César Pérez-Calvo, Arnoldo Santos
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:348-50
Open Article
Effect of a specific training program on patient-ventilator asynchrony detection and management
I.I. Ramírez, R. Gutiérrez-Arias, R.S. Adasme, D.H. Arellano, L. Felipe Damiani, F. Gordo-Vidal
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:353-5
Open Article
Validation of the P/FPE index in a cohort of patients with ARDS due to SARS-CoV-2
Alejandro González-Castro, Frank Daniel Martos Benítez, Alba Fernandez-Rodriguez, Versis Orama-Requejo, Raquel Ferrero-Franco, Yhivian Peñasco
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:413-5
Open Article
Does prone positioning decrease mechanical power in C-ARDS?
Matías Accoce, Javier Hernan Dorado, Gimena Paola Cardoso, Matías Nicolas Bertozzi, Daniela Ines Gilgado, Joaquín Pérez
Med Intensiva. 2023;47:671-4
Open Article